SSC JE 10 Oct 2023 PAPER I Electrical Part 7

SSC JE 10 Oct 2023 PAPER I Electrical Part 7

SSC JE 10 Oct 2023 PAPER I Electrical Part 7

SSC JE 10 Oct 2023 PAPER I Electrical Part 7

Q.51 The cable rating suitable for connecting the load of 3 kW to a single phase supply of 230 V is _________.

1. 10 A
2. 20 A
3. 5 A
4. 15 A

Correct Option: 4

Q.52 The Ohmic loss during the open-circuit test id considered negligible because:

1. the Ohmic loss is proportional to the square of the applied voltage, which is high in the open-circuit test
2. the Ohmic loss is proportional to the square of the applied current, which is low in the open-circuit test
3. the Ohmic loss is proportional to the square of the applied voltage, which is low in the open-circuit test
4. the Ohmic loss is proportional to the square of the applied current, which is high in the open-circuit test

Correct Option: 2

Q.54 Which of the following statements is/are true in regard to auto transformers?(i) A commonly known auto transformer, variac is used in laboratories and science labs.(ii) An auto transformer should have small transformation when used in transmission and distribution application.(iii) An auto transformer is used to raise the voltage in an AC feeder and is known as booster.

1. (i) and (iii)
2. Only (i)
3. Only (iii)
4. (i), (ii) and (iii)

Correct Option: 4

SSC JE 10 Oct 2023 PAPER I Electrical Part 7

Q.55 Arrange the following in the increasing order of energy released during their processing as a biomass.A) BagasseB) Municipal solid wasteC) Wheat and rice strawD) Wood pellets

1. A-B-C-D
2. C-A-B-D
3. B-D-A-C
4. D-B-C-A

Correct Option: 1

Q.56 Which of the given statements is NOT true about the double layer winding in the electrical machine?

1. Improved emf waveform will be there.
2. Leakage reactance will be more as more winding is there.
3. Fractional slot winding can be possible.
4. Easier to manufacture and lower cost of the coils

Correct Option: 2

Q.57 The bandwidth of CRO is the range of frequencies over which gain of _________________.

1. vertical amplifier is within 5 db of the mid-band frequency gain
2. horizontal amplifier is within 3 db of the mid-band frequency gain
3. horizontal amplifier is within 5 db of the mid-band frequency gain
4. vertical amplifier is within 3 db of the mid-band frequency gain

Correct Option: 4

Q.58 The armature reaction effect is high in ________.

1. both the armature and field control methods
2. armature control method
3. field control method
4. series parallel control method

Correct Option: 3

SSC JE 10 Oct 2023 PAPER I Electrical Part 7

Q.59 In a series connection of inductances, L1 and L2 are inductances and M is the mutual inductance. Find the total inductance.

1. L1 + L2 + M
2. L1 + L2 − M
3. L1 + L2 − 2M
4. L1 + L2 + 2M

Correct Option: 4

Q.60 What is the purpose of cost estimation?

1. To determine project timelines
2. To allocate human resources
3. To assess project risks
4. To predict project expenses

Correct Option: 4

Q.61 Choose the correct alternative regarding Neon Lamps.

1. The neon lamp normally emits green colour.
2. The power factor of the neon tube is higher.
3. The neon lamp consists of neon and argon gas.
4. If helium gas is used instead of neon, a greenish red colour is obtained.

Correct Option: 3

SSC JE 10 Oct 2023 PAPER I Electrical Part 7

Q.62 The bundled conductors can be formed from two or more stranded conductors, bundled together to increase the _________.

1. line inductance
2. copper losses
3. current carrying capacity
4. communication line interference

Correct Option: 3

Q.63 The input signal of a common drain amplifier is applied to the Gate through the ____.

1. coupling capacitor
2. input inductor
3. variable resistor
4. input resistor

Correct Option: 1

SSC JE 10 Oct 2023 PAPER I Electrical Part 7

Q.64 In electromagnetic induction, Lenz’s law directly follows _____.

1. the law of conservation of energy
2. Faraday’s first law
3. Laplace’s law
4. Faraday’s second law

Correct Option: 1

Q.65 A 400 W,100 V bulb is connected across a 50 V source. The current drawn by the bulb is _________.

1. 4 A
2. 2 A
3. 1 A
4. 0 A

Correct Option: 2

Q.66 Which of the following components are connected to the gearbox and generator box, respectively, in a horizontal-type wind turbine?

1. High speed shaft and accelerometer
2. Low speed shaft and high speed shaft
3. High speed shaft and low speed shaft
4. Low speed shaft and accelerometer

Correct Option: 2

SSC JE 10 Oct 2023 PAPER I Electrical Part 7

Q.67 In a transformer, the variation of which quantity leads to induce an EMF?

1. Current
2. Voltage
3. Magnetic flux
4. Frequency

Correct Option: 3

Q.68 Which of the following is a desirable characteristic of a DC servomotor?

1. Slow response
2. Big size of the machine
3. Less inertia
4. Less robust

Correct Option: 3

Q.69 The compensation for light load is done by using a metallic strip provided between the ________.

1. permanent magnet and disc
2. central limb of shunt magnet and disc
3. central limb of series magnet and disc
4. disc and the pointer

Correct Option: 2

Q.70 Calculate the line value of induced emf of a 10-pole, 3-phase, 60 Hz star-connected alternator with 60 slots and 4 conductors per slot. The value of the pitch factor is 0.966, the distribution factor is=0.966, the flux per pole is 0.12 Wb and it is sinusoidally distributed.

1. 688.92 V
2. 2066.76 V
3. 927.36 V
4. 1193.4 V

Correct Option: 2

SSC JE 10 Oct 2023 PAPER I Electrical Part 7

Q.71 Which type of generator is used in a large wind power plant?

1. DC generator
2. Three phase alternator
3. Slip ring motor
4. Induction generator

Correct Option: 4

Q.72 Select the light bulb that uses the least amount of energy while yet producing an adequate amount of light.

1. Fluorescent lamp
2. Neon lamps
3. Incandescent lamp
4. LED lamp

Correct Option: 4

Q.73 In Electromagnetism, the field pattern of a magnetic field inside the toroid is _______.

1. non-uniform
2. hyperbolic
3. parabolic
4. uniform

Correct Option: 1

SSC JE 10 Oct 2023 PAPER I Electrical Part 7

Q.74 In case of heating effect, if 1 calorie of heat energy is converted into joules, then its value will be _______.

1. 3.743 joules
2. 2.563 joules
3. 4.186 joules
4. 1.853 joules

Correct Option: 3

Q.75 In the context of electromagnetic induction, the fraction of magnetic flux produced by the current in one coil that links the other coil is called _______.

1. mutually induced EMF
2. mutual induction
3. self-induction
4. coefficient of coupling

Correct Option: 4

SSC JE 10 Oct 2023 PAPER I Electrical Part 7

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