Measurements and Instrumentation Part 14 ONLINE MCQ EE AND ECE

Measurements and Instrumentation Part 14

Measurements and Instrumentation Part 14

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1. A thermo-couple instrument can be used for the measurement of:
a) Direct current only
b) Alternating current only
c) Both direct current and alternating current
d) dc/ac voltage only

Answer  C

2. Electrostatic type instruments are mainly used for measurement of:
a) Heavy currents
b) Low currents
c) Low voltages
d) High voltages

Answer  D

Measurements and Instrumentation Part 14

3. The instrument which is cheapest for dc measurement is:
a) Moving iron
c) Hot-wire
d) Electro-dynamo

Answer  A

4. Measurement range of a voltmeter can be extended by using:
a) High current resistance
b) High series resistance
c) Low shunt resistance
d) Low series resistance

Answer  B

5. Which of the following voltmeter have least power consumption:
a) Moving iron
b) Hot-wire
c) Electrostatic
d) Induction type

Answer  B

Measurements and Instrumentation Part 14

6. Which of the following instruments have least torque/weight ratio:
a) Dynamometer type
c) Attraction type moving iron
d) Repulsion type moving iron

Answer  A

7. The instrument having its deflection depends upon average value is:
a) Moving iron
b) Hot wire
c) Rectifier type
d) Induction type

Answer  C

8. Which of the following instruments can be used for full scale deflection of 300o:
b) Induction type
c) Hot wire
d) Electrostatic

Answer  C

Measurements and Instrumentation Part 14

9.While testing cables the galvanometer used should be initially short-circuited in order to protect it from sudden
initial inrush currents as the cable have:
a) A low value of initial resistance
b) A low value of initial capacitance
c) A high value of initial capacitance
d) Both (a) and (b)

Answer  A

10. A Ohmmeter is basically:
a) A ammeter
b) A voltmeter
c) A multimeter
d) None of the above

Answer A