IBPS PO Syllabus 2023

IBPS PO Syllabus 2023 and Exam Pattern, Syllabus Topics

IBPS PO Syllabus 2023 and Exam Pattern for Prelims and Mains Exam. Get the latest and detailed IBPS PO Syllabus 2023 Subject-wise and the updated IBPS PO Exam Pattern.

IBPS PO Syllabus 2023: To improve their chances of success, candidates preparing for the IBPS PO syllabus 2023 exam should familiarize themselves with the IBPS PO Syllabus 2023. The IBPS PO prelims exam is set to take place on September 23rd, 30th, and 1st, 2023. Along with the official notification, IBPS publishes the IBPS PO Syllabus 2023 and Exam Pattern. You can find the most recent IBPS PO syllabus 2023 and exam pattern in this post. The syllabus for IBPS PO syllabus 2023 is the same as for any other bank exam. As a result, it is important to be well-versed in all of these subjects in order to excel in the examination. We have provided all of the necessary information about the IBPS PO Syllabus 2023 in this post to help you prepare effectively.

IBPS PO Syllabus 2023

IBPS PO Syllabus 2023 and Exam Pattern

Knowing the IBPS PO Syllabus 2023 is essential for performing well in the exam. Candidates who are familiar with the IBPS PO syllabus 2023 and exam pattern prepare more effectively than others. Similar to other banking exams, the exam syllabus includes sections from which questions are asked.

The IBPS PO Examination includes three key sections: quantitative aptitude, reasoning, and English. This post contains all of the necessary information on the IBPS PO Syllabus 2023 to assist you in effectively preparing for the exam.

IBPS PO Syllabus 2023 Overview

The IBPS PO Syllabus 2023 follows a pattern similar to other banking exams. The exam is conducted in three stages, and here is a concise overview of the syllabus:

IBPS PO Syllabus 2023 Overview
Organization Institute of Banking Personnel Selection
Exam Name IBPS PO Exam 2023
Post Probationary Officers
Vacancy 3049
Category Syllabus
Exam Level Moderate
Selection Process Prelims, Mains, and Interview
IBPS PO Prelims Exam English Language, Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude
IBPS PO Mains Reasoning & Computer Aptitude, General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness, English Language, Data Analysis & Interpretation
Prelims Exam Date 23, 30 September, & 1 October 2023
Language of Exam English
Official Website www.ibps.in

IBPS PO Exam Pattern 2023

The IBPS PO Exam Pattern 2023 is intended to evaluate a candidate’s aptitude, reasoning ability, and general banking knowledge. The exam is divided into three sections: preliminary exam, main exam, and interview.

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Pattern 2023

The preliminary phase of the IBPS PO syllabus 2023 exam serves as a screening round to select candidates for the subsequent stages. It is divided into three sections and lasts one hour. Candidates will be required to answer 100 Multiple Choice Questions during this phase.

However, they should be cautious with their responses because each incorrect response is worth 0.25 points. Candidates must achieve the minimum cut off marks set by IBPS in all sections of the Prelims exam in order to advance to the next stage.

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Pattern 2023
Subjects Number of Questions Marks Duration
English Language 30 30 20 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 20 minutes
Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes
Total 100 100 1 Hour

IBPS PO Mains Exam Pattern 2023

Candidates must pass the prelims round to be eligible for the IBPS PO 2023 mains exam. The IBPS PO Mains Exam is divided into four sections, with an additional section dedicated to English. The exam will last 3 hours and will consist of 200 multiple-choice questions (MCQs). There will be a 0.25 point deduction for each incorrect answer.

Each section in the mains exam will have a designated time limit, similar to the prelims exam. To pass the mains exam, candidates need to clear each section individually.

The Descriptive Test, worth 25 marks, is a new addition to the IBPS PO Mains Exam. This test evaluates candidates’ writing abilities by having them write an essay and a letter. It’s important to pass this section by achieving the minimum cut-off mark.

IBPS PO Mains Exam Pattern 2023
Section No. of Questions Maximum Marks Time allotted for each test
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 45 60 60 minutes
General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness 40 40 35 minutes
English Language 35 40 40 minutes
Data Analysis & Interpretation 35 60 45 minutes
Total 155 200 3 hours
English Language (Letter Writing & Essay) 02 25 30 minutes

IBPS PO Prelims Syllabus 2023

The syllabus is a important tool for candidates preparing for the IBPS PO exam. In addition to studying the IBPS PO Syllabus 2023, it’s highly beneficial for candidates to practice with IBPS PO Previous Year Question Papers. These papers offer valuable insights into the exam pattern and help candidates get familiar with the types of questions they can expect.

The IBPS PO Prelims exam consists of three main sections:

  1. English Language
  2. Quantitative Aptitude
  3. Reasoning Ability

IBPS PO Prelims Syllabus for Quantitative Aptitude

The Quantitative Aptitude section in the IBPS PO syllabus 2023 covers various mathematical topics. Here’s a brief overview:

  1. Inequality: Inequality problems deal with solving linear and quadratic equations and comparing quantities using methods like Quantity Comparison (I and II).
  2. Simplification and Approximation: This involves performing mathematical operations using BODMAS (Bracket, Order, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction) rules, working with squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots, indices, fractions, and percentages.
  3. Number Series: This includes finding missing numbers or identifying patterns in numerical sequences. You may encounter different types of number series like missing number series and wrong number series.
  4. Data Interpretation (DI): In DI, you’ll work with different types of data representation like tables, pie charts, line charts, and bar charts. You’ll have to analyze and interpret the given data to answer questions related to the information presented. You may encounter single or multiple pie charts, line charts, or a combination of different data sets in caselets.
  5. Arithmetic: This section covers fundamental arithmetic concepts such as Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Number System, HCF (Highest Common Factor), LCM (Lowest Common Multiple), Average, Age-related problems, Partnership, Mixture and Alligation, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Time and Work, Wages, Pipe and Cistern, Profit and Loss, Discounts, Speed-Time-Distance problems, Boat and Stream, Train-related problems, Mensuration (2D and 3D shapes), Probability, and Permutation and Combination.
  6. Data Sufficiency (DS): This section assesses your ability to determine if the given data is sufficient to answer the question or not. You’ll be presented with two statements, and you need to analyze them to determine if both together, either alone, or neither is sufficient to solve the problem.

IBPS PO Prelims Syllabus 2023 for English Language

The IBPS PO syllabus 2023 for the English Language includes the following topics:

  • Cloze Test
  • Spotting Errors
  • Sentence Improvement
  • Para/Sentence Completion
  • Sentence Correction
  • Para Jumbles
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Sentence Rearrangement
  • Column Based, Spelling Errors
  • Word Swap
  • Word Rearrangement
  • Sentence Based Errors

IBPS PO Prelims Syllabus for Reasoning Ability

The Reasoning Ability section of the IBPS PO syllabus 2023 includes the following topics that assess a candidate’s logical and analytical thinking skills.

  1. Seating Arrangements: This involves arranging people in circles, squares, triangles, or linear formations, sometimes with an uncertain number of persons.
  2. Inequalities: Candidates are tested on their ability to solve direct and indirect inequality problems.
  3. Syllogism: This tests the understanding of statements and conclusions, where candidates deal with cases like “only a few” relationships.
  4. Input-Output: Candidates need to shift and arrange data based on certain rules and patterns.
  5. Data Sufficiency: This tests whether candidates can determine if the given data is sufficient to answer a question using two statements.
  6. Puzzles: Candidates need to solve puzzles based on categories, comparisons, designations, boxes, days, months, years, floors, and flats.
  7. Blood Relations: Candidates are evaluated on their understanding of normal blood relations.
  8. Coding-Decoding: This involves solving problems related to Chinese coding, where letters or numbers are replaced with specific codes.
  9. Order and Ranking: Candidates need to arrange elements based on their positions in a particular order or rank.
  10. Alpha/Numeric/Symbol Series: Candidates need to identify patterns and complete series involving alphabets, numbers, or symbols.
  11. Distance and Direction: This tests the ability to determine directions and distances based on given information.
  12. Miscellaneous: This includes various types of reasoning questions like identifying odd one out, word pairs, number pairs, and number operations.

IBPS PO Mains Syllabus for Reasoning

Here’s the IBPS PO Mains Syllabus for Reasoning:

  • Input-Output
  • Data Sufficiency
  • Blood Relations
  • Coding Decoding
  • Seating Arrangements
  • Puzzles
  • Inequalities
  • Syllogism
  • Order and Ranking
  • Resultant Series/Coded Series/Stepwise Series
  • Coded Distance and Direction
  • Logical Reasoning

IBPS PO Mains Syllabus 2023

If candidates score above the cutoff marks in the IBPS PO prelims exam, they will qualify for the Mains exam. The syllabus for the IBPS PO Mains exam is divided into five sections:

  1. Reasoning & Computer Aptitude
  2. General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness
  3. English Language
  4. Data Analysis & Interpretation
  5. English Language (Letter Writing & Essay)

IBPS PO Mains Syllabus for English Language

The following is the syllabus for IBPS PO Mains Exam for English Language.

  • Sentence Correction
  • Para Jumbles
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • Para/Sentence Completion
  • Cloze Test
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Spotting Errors
  • Sentence Improvement
  • Paragraph Completion
  • Coherent Paragraph
  • Inferences
  • Starters
  • Connectors

IBPS PO Mains Syllabus for General/Economy/Banking Awareness

Here’s the IBPS PO Mains Syllabus for General/Economy/Banking Awareness:

  • Central Government Schemes, Agreements/MoU
  • Books & Authors
  • Summits & Conferences
  • Defense News
  • National Current Affairs
  • International Current Affairs
  • State Current Affairs
  • Sports News
  • Science & Technology News
  • Banking and Financial Awareness
  • Obituaries
  • Important Appointments
  • Important Awards & Honours
  • Union Budget 2023-24
  • Static Awareness
  • Recent RBI Circulars Based Questions
  • Business & Economy related News
  • Important Days
  • Economic Survey 2022-23
  • Ranks/Reports/Indexes

IBPS PO Mains Syllabus for Data Analysis and Interpretation

The Data Analysis & Interpretation section of the IBPS PO Mains exam covers following topics.

  1. Number Series: This section involves different types of number series, such as Missing Number series, Wrong number series, Double Pattern number series, and Statement and variable-based number series.
  1. Inequality: In this part, you will encounter questions related to Quadratic equations, Two or Three Quantity comparison, and Statement-based Quadratic equations.
  1. Arithmetic: This section consists of various types of arithmetic questions. These include Simple arithmetic questions, Variable-based arithmetic questions, Filler-based arithmetic questions, Multiple statement-based arithmetic questions, and Multiple options-based arithmetic questions. The topics covered include Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Number System, HCF and LCM, Algebra-based arithmetic questions, Average, Age, Partnership, Mixture and Alligation, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Time and Work & Wages, Pipe and Cistern, Profit and Loss & Discount, Speed Time Distance, Boat And stream, Train, Mensuration 2D and 3D, Probability and Permutation and combination, etc.
  1. Data Interpretation (DI): In this segment, you will encounter different types of data interpretation problems. These include:
  • Table Data Interpretation: Simple table DI, Missing Table DI, and Variable-based table DI with notes.
  • Pie chart Data Interpretation: Percentage and Degree distribution-based pie chart DI, Missing pie chart DI with notes, and Variable-based pie chart DI with notes.
  • Line chart Data Interpretation: Single and Multiple line chart DI, Line chart DI with variables and notes.
  • Bar chart Data Interpretation: Single and Multiple bar chart DI, Bar chart DI with variables and notes.
  • Mixed chart Data Interpretation: Including multiple charts and information (e.g., Pie + Table, Line + Table, Bar + Table, Pie + Caselet) with notes.
  • Caselet: Table based caselet, Venn Diagram-based caselet, Arithmetic and Filler-based caselet with notes.
  • Radar Data Interpretation: Trigonal, Pentagonal, Hexagonal, etc.
  • Arithmetic topic-wise Data Interpretation: DI based on Arithmetic topics such as Time and work, Profit and Loss, Probability, Simple and compound interest, etc. on various charts.
  • New pattern Data Interpretation: Scatter, Stock, Funnel, Sunburst, etc.
  1. Data Sufficiency: This section includes Two Statement and Three statements data Sufficiency questions.

IBPS PO Interview

In the IBPS PO Interview, there is no fixed topic that candidates need to focus on. However, it is highly recommended to concentrate on areas like general knowledge, current affairs, and finance-related subjects while preparing for the Probationary Officer Interview.

The interview holds a total weightage of 100 marks, and candidates must secure a minimum score of 40% (35% for SC/ST/OBC/PWD) to qualify for this phase. The final result is calculated based on the marks obtained in both the Interview and Main exam, with a weightage ratio of 20:80 respectively. In other words, the Interview’s performance contributes 20% to the final result, while the Main exam contributes 80%.

IBPS PO 2023 Selection Process

The IBPS PO Exam is conducted in three stages, which are as follows:

  1. IBPS PO Prelims Exam
  2. IBPS PO Mains Exam
  3. IBPS PO Interview

To be eligible for the Interview stage, a candidate must obtain a minimum score in both the Prelims and Mains exams. The candidates who clear the IBPS PO Cut-Off for the Mains exam are shortlisted for the Interview round. It is important to note that for the final selection, the marks obtained in the Interview and Mains exams are combined using a specific formula.

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