Engineering Drawing MCQ Part Two

Engineering Drawing MCQ Part Two

Engineering Drawing MCQ Part Two

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Question-1.When a line is inclined to VP and parallel to HP, the front view will be _______ to xy.

(A) parallel
(B) perpendicular
(C) inclined at angle f
(D) none of the


Question-2.While drawing the isometric view of the sphere, its diameter is taken as

(A) Equal to actual diameter
(B) 11/9 times of the actual diameter
(C) 21/9 times of the actual diameter
(D) none of these


Question-3.The isometric view of a vertical line is represented at an angle of ____ in front view and having a length _________ the original length of line.

(A) 30º, Same as
(B) 30º, Less than
(C) 90º, Same as
(D) 90º, Less than


Engineering Drawing MCQ Part Two

Question-4.When the cone, resting on base on V.P., is cut by section plane parallel to V.P. then the true shape is __________ and can be seen in __________ view.

(A) Circle, Front
(B) Ellipse, Front
(C) Ellipse, Top
(D) Circle, Top


Question-5.For the third angle projection method, Which of the following is correct?

(A) Observer – Object – Plane
(B) Observer – Plane – Object
(C) both
(D) None of these


Question-6.When the plane cuts the cone parallel to one of the generator, the curve trace out by section is

(A) Ellipse
(B) Parabola
(C) Hyperbola
(D) Involute


Question-7.In first angle projection method The Left hand side view is placed on

(A) Above elevation
(B) Right side of elevation
(C) below elevation
(D) Left side of elevation


Question-8.French curve is used to draw

(A) Circles
(B) Smooth free form curve
(C) Right circular cone
(D) orthographic projection


Engineering Drawing MCQ Part Two

Question-9.If line is inclined to vertical plane and parallel to Horizontal plane, then which one of the following is always correct?

(A) True length = Plan length
(B) True length = Elevation length
(C) True length ? Plan length
(D) None of these


Question-10.To obtain the true shape of the section of solid, an auxiliary plane is set at

(A) Parallel to cutting plane
(B) Perpendicular to cutting plane
(C) Parallel to Ground plane
(D) Perpendicular to XY Plane


Question-11.A square plane is inclined to HP & perpendicular to VP its elevation appears as

(A) Rhombus
(B) Square
(C) Straight line
(D) Rectangle


Question-12.Length (L) of line in Isometric view will be equal to

(A) 0.707 L
(B) 0.815 L
(C) True length L
(D) 0.866 L


Engineering Drawing MCQ Part Two

Question-13.For scale, which one is not correct

(A) 1:2
(B) 1:20
(C) 1:1/2
(D) 1/2


Question-14.In Isometric view length, Width, and Height are inclined at

(A) 30º
(B) 60º
(C) 90º
(D) 120º


Question-15.When a point is below HP & in Front of VP it is in

(A) First quadrant
(B) Second quadrant
(C) Third quadrant
(D) Fourth quadrant


Question-16.In orthographic view the lines Perpendicular to arrow X are drawn as

(1) Parallel to XY in Plan (2) Parallel to XY in elevation (3) Perpendicular to XY in Elevation

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 1 & 2


Question-17.When the cone, resting on base on V.P., is cut by section plane parallel to V.P. then the true shape is __________ and can be seen in __________ view.

(A) Circle, Front
(B) Ellipse, Front
(C) Ellipse, Top
(D) Circle, Top


Engineering Drawing MCQ Part Two

Question-18.The isometric view of a vertical line is represented at an angle of ____ in front view and having a length _________ the original length of line.

(A) 30º, Same as
(B) 30º, Less than
(C) 90º, Same as
(D) 90º, Less than


Question-19.While drawing the isometric view of the sphere, its diameter is taken as

(A) Equal to actual diameter
(B) 11/9 times of the actual diameter
(C) 21/9 times of the actual diameter
(D) none of these


Question-20.Name the solid formed by revolving right angle triangle with one of its perpendicular side fixed.

(A) Cone
(B) Tetrahedron
(C) Cylinder
(D) Octahedron


Engineering Drawing MCQ Part Two

Question-21.To draw the leader line, which type of the following line is used?

(A) Continuous thick line
(B) Continuous thin wavy line
(C) Long chain thin line
(D) Continuous thin line


Question-22.If the object lies in the second quadrant, its position with respect to reference plane will be

(A) In front of V.P. and above H.P
(B) Behind V.P. and below H.P
(C) In front of V.P. and below H.P
(D) Behind V.P. and above H.P


Engineering Drawing MCQ Part Two

Question-23.When the drawing are drawn smaller than the actual size of object then scale is known as

(A) Reduced Scale
(B) Full Scale
(C) Enlarged Scale
(D) None of these


Question-24.A curved traced out by a point which moves uniformly both about the centre and at the same time away or towards the centre is known as

(A) Involute
(B) Cycloid
(C) Archemedian spiral
(D) None of these


Question-25.The isometric view of a vertical line is represented at an angle of ____ in front view and having a length _________ the original length of line.

(A) 30º, Same as
(B) 90º, Same as
(C) 30º, Less than
(D) 90º, Less than


Engineering Drawing MCQ Part Two

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