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Attempt Free ELECTRONICS IMPORTANT MCQ PDF 6 Here. Read The Important Electrical MCQ From Below.
1) What are the possible phases for linearizing the circuits at the input signal conditioning stage of data logger?
a. At the analog phase before conversion
b. At the conversion phase
c. After the digital phase after the conversion
d. All of the above
ANSWER: All of the above
2) Which device/s is/are utilized for the printing purpose of the output generated by the data loggers?
a. Typewriter
b. Strip Printer
c. Magnetic Tape
d. All of the above
ANSWER: All of the above
3) What does the sequential operation of setting the linearization factor at the programming level of data loggers convey?
a. Adjusted Output from signal amplifier is directly proportional to the measured quantity
b. Adjusted Output from signal amplifier is inversely proportional to the measured quantity
c. Adjusted Input from signal amplifier is directly proportional to the measured quantity
d. Adjusted Input from signal amplifier is inversely proportional to the measured quantity
ANSWER: Adjusted Output from signal amplifier is directly proportional to the measured quantity
4) Which module of PC based alarm annunciator system generates the log file so as to maintain the status of text-based information in accordance to the written records of master database?
a. Input Module
b. Output Module
c. Control Module
d. Server Module
ANSWER: Output Module
5) Which library call status support the implementation of control module especially for controlling all other associated modules in time-slice fashion?
a. Dynamic Linkage Library (DLL) Call
b. Timer Call of MFC Library
c. Modulo Call of MFC Library
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Timer Call of MFC Library
6) Which circuit configuration basically reduces the probability of interference in an overall PC based alarm annunciator system?
a. Interfacing Circuit
b. Firewall Circuit
c. Router-oriented Circuit
d. Panel-based Circuit
ANSWER: Interfacing Circuit
7) Which unit of PIC undergo the process of converting mains ac voltage to low dc voltage required for the circuits and the input-output interfacing modules?
a. Memory Unit
b. Processing Unit
c. Input/Output Unit
d. Power Supply Unit
ANSWER: Power Supply Unit
8) Which bus forms an intermediate communication path between input/output ports and input/output units?
a. Control Bus
b. Data Bus
c. Address Bus
d. System Bus
ANSWER: System Bus
9) Which kind of switches examine or detect the presence of an item or object without making contact with them?
a. Proximity Switches
b. Reed Switches
c. Photo-electric Switches
d. Mechanical Switches
ANSWER: Proximity Switches
10) Which machine tools are basically handled and controlled by Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine especially at the manufacturing sector?
a. Lathes
b. Routers
c. Mills & Grinders
d. All of the above
ANSWER: All of the above
11) Why is it mandatory to use or connect a level translator circuit after the intermediate stage in a typical operational amplifier?
a. For Phase level shifting
b. For DC level shifting
c. For AC level shifting
d. Both AC & DC Level shifting
ANSWER: For DC level shifting
12) Which among the following is an incorrect characteristic of an ideal Op-Amp?
a. Infinite CMRR & Slew Rate
b. Infinite Voltage gain
c. Infinite Bandwidth
d. Infinite output offset voltage when input voltage is zero
ANSWER: Infinite output offset voltage when input voltage is zero
13) Which of the below stated condition/s is applicable for Non-inverting amplifier?
a. Output Voltage is greater than input voltage
b. Output voltage is lesser than input voltage
c. Output voltage is in phase with an input signal
d. Output voltage is out of phase w.r.t. input by 180°
a. A & D
b. A & C
c. B & D
d. B & C
14) The amplification difference level of a differential amplifier specifically & configurationally resemble to ______.
a. Wein Bridge
b. Kelvin Bridge
c. Wheatstone Bridge
d. Maxwell Bridge
ANSWER: Wheatstone Bridge
15) Why are the Op-amps with open loop configuration not used in linear applications?
a. High risk of distortion
b. High risk of clipping of output signal
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Both a & b
16) Variation in the thermal drift can be observed whenever there is a change in ______.
a. Temperature
b. Supply Voltages
c. Time
d. All of the above
ANSWER: All of the above
17) The quantity of output offset voltage due to input bias current can be crucially decreased by
a. Offset minimizing resistors
b. Offset minimizing voltage controller
c. Offset minimizing capacitors
d. All of the above
ANSWER: Offset minimizing resistors
18) Which amplifier has an ability to amplify each input voltage & deliberately can be represented by the different factors at the output under the category of inverting amplifiers?
a. Summing Amplifier
b. Scaling Amplifier
c. Averaging amplifier
d. All of the above
ANSWER: Scaling Amplifier
19) The major role of an instrumentation amplifier contributes to the amplification of ______.
a. Low-level Output Signal
b. High Level Output Signal
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Low-level Output Signal
20) Sensitivity of strain gauge implies _____.
a. Unit change in R per unit change in ‘l’
b. Unit change in L per unit change in ‘l’
c. Unit change in C per unit change in ‘l’
d. Unit change in Y per unit change in ‘l’
ANSWER: Unit change in R per unit change in ‘l’.
21) What kind of configuration will be formed/set up by replacing a meter with relay along with the usage of a thermistor in the transducer bridge circuit of
a differential instrumentation amplifier?
a. Temperature Indicator
b. Temperature Controller
c. Light-intensity meter
d. Thermal Conductivity meter
ANSWER: Temperature Controller
22) In darkness, the typical value of the resistance of photo-conductive cell lies in the order of _____.
a. 10 ohm
b. 100 ohm
c. 1000 ohm
d. 10000 ohm
ANSWER: 100 ohm
23) Which among the following condition is applicable for the output voltage in an integrator?
a. Output voltage is directly proportional to negative integral of input voltage
b. Output voltage is directly proportional to positive integral of input voltage
c. Output voltage is inversely proportional to time constant RC
d. Output voltage is inversely proportional to phase constant
a. A & D
b. B & D
c. A & C
d. B & C
24) The process of converting an original cut-off frequency to new cut-off frequency is known as
a. Frequency Deviation
b. Frequency Translation
c. Frequency Division
d. Frequency Scaling
ANSWER: Frequency Scaling
25) What will be the figure of merit or quality factor (Q) for a band-pass filter to be wide?
a. Greater than 10
b. Less than 10
c. Equal to 10
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Less than 10
26) Notch-filter is the renowned name of _____.
a. Band-elimination Filter
b. Band pass Filter
c. Wide-band reject filter
d. Narrow band reject filter
ANSWER: Narrow band reject filter
27) Which among the following are also known as “Delay Equalizers”?
a. Band Elimination Filter
b. Band-pass Filter
c. All-pass Filter
d. High pass filter
ANSWER: All-pass Filter
28) Match the following : Types Waveform Generation Type
a. RC Oscillator ———————————- 1. Saw-tooth wave
b. LC Oscillator ———————————– 2. Sinusoidal wave
c. Crystal Oscillator —————————– 3. Square wave
a. A3, B2, C1
b. A2, B3, C1
c. A1, B2, C3
d. A1, B3, C2
ANSWER: A2, B3, C1
29) What are the diodes (D1 & D2) used in comparator circuit usually refer to?
a. Clip Diodes
b. Clamp Diodes
c. PIN Diodes
d. Fast Recovery Diodes
ANSWER: Clamp Diodes
30) In which type of oscillator, the output frequency is dependent on the amplitude of input voltage?
a. Quadrature Oscillator
b. Voltage Controlled Oscillator
c. Wein-bridge Oscillator
d. Phase-Shift Oscillator
ANSWER: Voltage Controlled Oscillator
31) A basic generalized form of comparator is ______.
a. Zero-Crossing Detector
b. Sine to Square Wave Generator
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Both a & b
32) Hysteresis Phenomenon can be specifically exhibited in ______.
a. Positive Feedback Comparator
b. Negative Feedback Comparator
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Positive Feedback Comparator
33) The interval between application of an input step function & the time when the output crosses the value of logic threshold voltage of comparator is nothing but ______.
a. Strobe Release Time
b. Response Time
c. Settling Time
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Response Time
34) Which among the following is not an application of digital to analog converter?
a. Microcomputer Interfacing
b. Microprocessor Interfacing
c. Programmable Power supply
d. CRT graphics
ANSWER: Microprocessor Interfacing
35) Which of the following key specifications are essential for the selection of digital to analog converter from application point of view?
a. Response time
b. Conversion time
c. Resolution & Settling time
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Resolution & Settling time
36) Which condition approves to be valid in case of reference voltage for the determination of clipping level?
a. Reference voltage must be less than input voltage
b. Reference voltage must be greater than input voltage
c. Reference voltage must be less than output voltage
d. Reference voltage must be greater than output voltage
ANSWER: Reference voltage must be less than input voltage
37) Which among the following is a military grade op-amp IC?
a. IC 555
b. IC LF 398
c. IC LM 117
d. IC 741
38) Which Op-amp IC possessed the potential to tackle & overcome the drawbacks of first generation Op-amps?
a. μ A702
b. μ A709
c. μ A741
d. MC1537
ANSWER: μ A741
39) Which techniques are adopted for the purpose of inductor designing in switching regulators?
a. Silicon Steel EI butt stacks
b. Ferrite EI, U & toroid cores
c. Powdered permalloy toroids
d. All of the above
ANSWER: All of the above
40) Match the following pairs : Manufacturers IC Designations
a. Texas Instruments ————————————– 1. CA 3741
b. Signetics —————————————————– 2. SN52741
c. RCA ———————————————————— 3. LM741
d. National Semiconductor —————————— 4. N5741
a. A1, B2, C3, D4
b. A2, B3, C4, D1
c. A3, B4, C2, D1
d. A2, B4, C1, D3
ANSWER: A2, B4, C1, D3
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there is no official syllabus for bel pe but if you want i will upload expected syllabus.