SSC JE 2023 Paper II Electrical Part 1

SSC JE 2023 Paper II Electrical Part 1

SSC JE 2023 Paper II Electrical Part 1

SSC JE 2023 Paper II Electrical Part 1

Q1. Calculate the total head of water at the cross section of 5 m above the datum line. The pipe has a diameter of 5 cm, and
the water is flowing with a pressure of 100 × 103 N/m2 and mean velocity of 2 m/s. Take g = 10 m/s2.

1. 14.1
2. 15.2
3. 19.2
4. 10.2

Correct Option: 2

Q.2 Which of the following is NOT a type of oil pump used in IC engine.

1. Vane type oil pump
2. Gear type oil pump
3. Plunger type oil pump
4. Row type oil pump

Correct Option: 4

SSC JE 2023 Paper II Electrical Part 1

Q.3 Which of the following statements expresses the main function of a steam generator?

1. It transfers the water directly to the feed pump and develops electric power.
2. It reduces the water energy storage capacity and diminishes the steam generation.
3. It transfers the heat to the atmospheric air and thereby, causes condensation of the steam.
4. It transfers the heat produced by the combustion of fuel to water and, ultimately, produces steam.

Correct Option: 4

Q.4 The ratio of the power produced by the turbine runner to the power supplied by water at the turbine inlet is defined as

1. hydraulic efficiency
2. manometric efficiency
3. overall efficiency
4. mechanical efficiency

Correct Option: 1

SSC JE 2023 Paper II Electrical Part 1

Q5. Which of the following options is NOT considered as an assumption when deriving Bernoulli’s equation for a fluid flow?

1. Unsteady flow
2. Incompressible flow
3. Ideal fluid
4. Streamline flow

Correct Option: 1

SSC JE 2023 Paper II Electrical Part 1

Q.8 Which of the following pressure measurement gauges is gravity based?

1. Manometer
2. Pirani gauge
3. McLeod gauge
4. Bourdon tube

Correct Option: 1

SSC JE 2023 Paper II Electrical Part 1

Select the correct option based on the assertion (A) and reason (R) listed below.

Q.9 Assertion (A): Two surfaces are polished and brought in contact with each other to reduce friction.
Reason (R): Rough surfaces have less friction between them.

1. Both A and R are True
2. A is false but R is true
3. Both A and R are false
4. A is true but R is false

Correct Option: 4

Q.10 Isochoric process means:

1. constant-entropy process
2. constant-pressure process
3. constant-volume process
4. constant-temperature process

Correct Option: 3

SSC JE 2023 Paper II Electrical Part 1

Q.11 In the winter air-conditioning, for comfort, moisture is added without changing its dry bulb temperature and the air is made to warm up. Identify the type of process.

1. Heating and humidification
2. Cooling and dehumidification
3. Heating and dehumidification
4. Cooling and humidification

Correct Option: 1

Q.12 Based on the two statements given below, select the correct option.

A) The first law of thermodynamics is also known as the conservation of energy principle.
B) For all the adiabatic processes between two specified states of a closed system, the net work done is the same, regardless of the nature of the closed system and the details of the process.

1. Statement A is correct, but Statement B is incorrect.
2. Statement A is incorrect, but Statement B is correct.
3. Both Statement A and Statement B are correct and are related to each other.
4. Both Statement A and Statement B are correct but are not related.

Correct Option: 3

SSC JE 2023 Paper II Electrical Part 1

Q.13 Which of the following is NOT a natural circulation boiler?

1. Babcock & Wilcox boiler
2. LaMont boiler
3. Locomotive boiler
4. Lancashire boiler

Correct Option: 2

Q.15 The Darcy friction factor (f) for fully developed laminar flow in a circular pipe with the Reynolds number of 1600 is given as:

1. 0.04
2 0.02
3. 0.01
4. 0.005

Correct Option: 1

SSC JE 2023 Paper II Electrical Part 1

Q.16 The basic difference between the reversed Carnot cycle and the ideal vapour-compression refrigeration cycle is that a/an in the reversed Carnot cycle is replaced with a/an in the ideal vapour-compression refrigeration cycle.

1. nozzle; expansion valve
2. turbine; nozzle
3. expansion valve; turbine
4. turbine; expansion valve

Correct Option: 4

Q.17 Surface tension can also be expressed as______

1. velocity per unit length
2. force acting per unit length
3. area per unit length
4. torsion acting per unit length

Correct Option: 2

Q.18 In an engine cooling system, the_____spread(s) the hot water over a large area.

1. coolant chamber
2. radiator
3. piston rings
4. air valves

Correct Option: 2

SSC JE 2023 Paper II Electrical Part 1

Q.20 _____is the pressure that a fluid attains when it is brought to rest isentropically.

1. Static pressure
2. Thermodynamic pressure
3. Dynamic pressure
4. Stagnation pressure

Correct Option: 4

SSC JE 2023 Paper II Electrical Part 1

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