SSC JE 10 Oct 2023 PAPER I Civil Shift 1 Part 5

SSC JE 10 Oct 2023 PAPER I Civil Shift 1 Part 5

SSC JE 10 Oct 2023 PAPER I Civil Shift 1 Part 5

SSC JE 10 Oct 2023 PAPER I Civil Shift 1 Part 5

Q.1 If tensile stress develops at the base of a full dam, it will be first observed at the:

1. toe
2. heel
3. gallery
4. mid-point of the base width

Correct Option: 2

Q.2 The law of flow of water through the soil was first studied by ___________.

1. Boussinesq
2. Darcy
3. Francis
4. Rankine

Correct Option: 2

Q.3 In an aqueduct, natural drainage is ______________________ the canal.

1.  parallel to
2.  below
3. at the level of
4.  above

Correct Option: 2

SSC JE 10 Oct 2023 PAPER I Civil Shift 1 Part 5

Q.4 Calculate the charges for a truck (diesel) to transport material for 8 hours in a day with a rate of ₹200/hour.

1. ₹1,600
2. ₹2,000
3. ₹1,000
4. ₹1,500

Correct Option: 1

Q.5 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

1. Electrostatic precipitators can collect dry or wet particulates.
2. Electrostatic precipitators are widely used in thermal power plants.
3. Collection efficiency of the cyclone collector is high for smaller particles.
4. Bag filters work on the principle of interception and electrostatic attraction.

Correct Option: 3

Q.6 During construction, light weight aerated concrete blocks are mostly used for:

1. load bearing walls
2. foundation
3. partition walls
4. shear walls

Correct Option: 3

SSC JE 10 Oct 2023 PAPER I Civil Shift 1 Part 5

Q.8 Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement related to the height of the instrument (HI) used in levelling?

1. The value of HI never changes after recording back sights.
2. The value of HI generally changes before recording back sights.
3. The value of HI never changes while recording fore sights.
4. The value of HI never changes while recording intermediate sights.

Correct Option: 1

Q.9 The rainfall observed for five successive days in a catchment is 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 cm. Compute the direct runoff from the catchment due to this rainfall. The Ï• index for the rainfall is assumed to be 2 cm/day.

1. 16 cm
2.  12 cm
3. 10 cm
4. 8 cm

Correct Option: 3

SSC JE 10 Oct 2023 PAPER I Civil Shift 1 Part 5

Q.10 In the relation Δ = 8.64 B/D, if D is the duty in hectare/cumec and B is the number of days of base period, then Δ is the ____________.

1. depth of water in cm
2. depth of water in m
3. rotation period
4. duty in m

Correct Option: 2

Q.11 Among the following, the correct sequence of WBM construction will be:i. Preparation of subgradeii. Spreading of Coarse aggregatesiii. Application of binding materialiv. Application of screeningsv. Provision of lateral confinement

1. i, v, ii, iv, iii
2. ii, i, iv, v, iii
3. i, ii, iv, iii, v
4. i, iv, ii, iii, v

Correct Option: 1

Q.12 The length of a long wall in the long and short wall method of estimation is centre to centre distance between the walls and _________.

1. one-fourth width of wall on each side
2. one-third width of wall on each side
3. width of the wall
4. half of its width on each side

Correct Option: 4

SSC JE 10 Oct 2023 PAPER I Civil Shift 1 Part 5

Q.13 Which of the given options is NOT recommended as a desirable property of the transporting truck used for collection of municipal solid waste?

1. Water-tightness
2. Sharp corners and edges
3. Strength and durability
4. Made of stainless steel

Correct Option: 2

Q.14 If a liquid enters a pipe of diameter ‘d’ with velocity ‘v’, then what will be its velocity at the exit if the diameter of the pipe reduces to 0.5d?

1. 4v
2. v
3. 2v
4. 0.5v

Correct Option: 1

Q.15 2 litres of an oil weigh 16 N. Calculate the specific gravity of the oil. Consider the density of water to be 998 kg/m3.

1. 0.816
2. 0.856
3. 0.786
4. 0.846

Correct Option: 1

SSC JE 10 Oct 2023 PAPER I Civil Shift 1 Part 5

Q.16 If the pipes are connected in series, then the:

1. discharge will be constant and the pressure will be high
2. discharge will be constant and the pressure will be low
3. discharge will be high and the pressure will be low
4. discharge will be low and the pressure will be constant

Correct Option: 1

Q.17 Which of the following is defined as the area of a building measured at floor level?

1. Floor area
2. Circulation area
3. Carpet area
4. Plinth area

Correct Option: 4

Q.18 Which of the following methods of quarrying is suitable for quarrying small, thin and regular blocks of stones from rocks such as granite and gneiss?

1. Heating
2. Blasting
3. Wedging
4. Excavating

Correct Option: 1

Q.19 Which of the following is a rain gauge adopted as the standard recording type rain gauge in India? Its details are described in IS: 5253-1969.

1. Natural syphon or Float type rain gauge
2. Weighing-bucket type rain gauge
3. Tipping-bucket type rain gauge
4. Tipping & weighing rain gauge

Correct Option: 1

SSC JE 10 Oct 2023 PAPER I Civil Shift 1 Part 5

Q.20 According to IS 456:2000, for a cantilever beam the effective length of the cantilever shall be taken as:

1. clear span of the beam + half the effective depth
2. clear span of the beam + half the width of the support
3. clear span of the beam + width of the support
4. clear span of the beam + effective depth

Correct Option: 1

Q.21 During the construction of sloped timber roof truss, for protection of timber, which of the following is essential?

1. One coat of primer
2. No priming and no painting
3. Two coats of paint over primer
4. One coat of paint

Correct Option: 3

Q.22 If detailed drawings are not available, the steel reinforcement may be calculated approximately on the percentage basis of ___________.

1. brickwork
2. concrete
3. height of building
4. size of bending

Correct Option: 2

SSC JE 10 Oct 2023 PAPER I Civil Shift 1 Part 5

Q.23 Which of the following assumptions is NOT valid in case of design of axially loaded compression members in the steel design?

1. The modulus of elasticity is assumed to vary in a built-up column.
2. The ideal column is assumed to be absolutely straight with no crookedness.
3. The modulus of elasticity is assumed to be constant in a built-up column.
4. Secondary stresses are neglected.

Correct Option: 1

Q.25 For an RCC beam of width 230 mm and effective depth 300 mm subjected to a shear force of 69 kN due to design loads, what will be the nominal shear stress in the beam?

1. 0.1 N/mm2
2. 1 N/mm2
3. 0.01 N/mm2
4. 10 N/mm2

Correct Option: 2

SSC JE 10 Oct 2023 PAPER I Civil Shift 1 Part 5

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