DDA JE Electrical ME 3 April 2023 Shift 1 Part 3

DDA JE Electrical ME 3 April 2023 Shift 1 Part 3

DDA JE Electrical ME 3 April 2023 Shift 1 Part 3

DDA JE Electrical ME 3 April 2023 Shift 1 Part 3

Q.3_____is the ratio of equivalent lengths of a column fixed at one end with other free to one with both ends hinged (consider length of two columns to be same).

1 1:2
2 2:1
3 3:1

Correct Option: 2

DDA JE Electrical ME 3 April 2023 Shift 1 Part 3

Q.4 Based on the two given statements about Watt Governor, select the correct answer.
Statement A: The height of the governor increases with increase in speed and decreases with decrease in speed.
Statement B: Variation in the height of the governor is appreciable for low values of speed and not at higher values of speed.

1. Both statement A and statement B are incorrect.
2. Statement A is correct, but statement B is incorrect.
3. Statement A is incorrect, but statement B is correct.
4. Both statement A and statement B are correct.

Correct Option: 3

Q.5 Statement A: Total applied load to composite bar is equal to the sum of load of individual members.
Statement B: The deformation in each bar must be equal.

1. Statement A is correct, but statement B is incorrect.
2. Both statement A and statement B are correct.
3. Statement A is incorrect, but statement B is correct.
4. Both statement A and statement B are incorrect.

Correct Option: 2

DDA JE Electrical ME 3 April 2023 Shift 1 Part 3

Q.7 If the available head, H> 300 m, for a flow which is in tangential direction, the suggested turbine is:

1. Francis
2. Kaplan
3. Propeller
4. Pelton

Correct Option: 4

DDA JE Electrical ME 3 April 2023 Shift 1 Part 3

Q.8 Which of the following statement about a flywheel is NOT correct?

1. It can reduce friction in the shaft.
2. It can smoothen the variations in shaft speed.
3. It is used to store energy.
4. It can reduce undesirable transient loads.

Correct Option: 1

Q9. Identify whether the following two statements about reversible processes in thermodynamics are correct or incorrect.
Statement A: A reversible process is defined as a process that can be reversed without leaving any trace on the surroundings.
Statement B: The net heat and the net work exchange between the system and the surroundings is zero for the combined (original and reverse) process.

1. Statement A is incorrect, but Statement B is correct.
2. Statement A is correct, but Statement B is incorrect.
3. Both Statement A and Statement B are correct.
4. Both Statement A and Statement B are incorrect.

Correct Option: 3

Q.10 Which of the following is the main constituent, apart from sand, of Green Sand Mould?

1. Ash
2. Chalk
3. Clay
4. Mud

Correct Option: 3

DDA JE Electrical ME 3 April 2023 Shift 1 Part 3

Q.11 Uniformly varying load on beam is also known as

1. triangular load
2. rectangular load
3. ideal load
4. trapezoidal load

Correct Option: 1

Q.12 In the context of combustion in SI engines, the mixture in which Stoichiometric fuel-air ratio is more than actual fuel-air ratio is known as:

1. rich mixture
2. complete mixture
3. lean mixture
4. ideal mixture

Correct Option: 3

DDA JE Electrical ME 3 April 2023 Shift 1 Part 3

Q.14 The energy grade line (EGL) shows the height of

1. pressure head
2. datum head
3. velocity head
4. total Bernoulli head

Correct Option: 4

DDA JE Electrical ME 3 April 2023 Shift 1 Part 3

Q.15 Which of the following is NOT a desirable property of raw material used in metal-casting process?

1. Brittleness
2. High fluidity when melted
3. Plasticity
4. Ductility

Correct Option: 1

Q.16______is an example of the second inversion of a single slider crank chain mechanism.

1. Scotch yoke
2. Whitworth Quick-Return mechanism
3. Reciprocating engine
4. Oldham’s coupling

Correct Option: 2

DDA JE Electrical ME 3 April 2023 Shift 1 Part 3

Q.18 A carburettor mixes______in a petrol engine.

1. air and lubricating oil
2. petrol and air
3. petrol and lubricating oil
4. petrol and coolant

Correct Option: 2

DDA JE Electrical ME 3 April 2023 Shift 1 Part 3

Q.20______is the relationship between Young’s Modulus of rigidity (E), Modulus of rigidity (G), and Poisson’s ratio

1. E=3G(1-2μ)
2. E=2G(1-μ)
3. E=3G(1+2μ)
4. E=2G(1+μ)

Correct Option: 4

DDA JE Electrical ME 3 April 2023 Shift 1 Part 3

Category –EE Online Test

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