DDA JE Civil Paper 29 March 2023 Shift 3 Part 3

DDA JE Civil Paper 29 March 2023 Shift 3 Part 3

DDA JE Civil Paper 29 March 2023 Shift 3 Part 3

DDA JE Civil Paper 29 March 2023 Shift 3 Part 3

Q.61 A metallic rod of 10 mm diameter is bent into a circular form of radius 5 m. If the maximum bending stress developed in the rod is 125 MPa, find the value of Young’s modulus of the material.

1. 150 GPa
2. 125 GPa
3. 115 GPa
4. 135 GPa

Correct Option: 2

Q.62 Which of the following type of cement hydrates at relatively low rate and liberate less heat when compared to other mentioned types?

1. Rapid hardening Portland cement
2. Portland Pozzolana cement
3. Quick set cement
4. Ordinary Portland cement

Correct Option: 2

DDA JE Civil Paper 29 March 2023 Shift 3 Part 3

Q.63 The condition at which cavitation occurs in ogee spillway is when:

1. the designed head on the spillway is more than the operating head
2. the flow over the spillway changes from super-critical to sub-critical condition
3. the inflow discharge on the spillway is less than the outflow discharge
4. the operating head on the spillway is more than the designed head

Correct Option: 4

Q.64 A soil has a plastic limit of 20% and a plasticity index of 10%. Find the liquidity index if the water content of the soil in its natural condition in the field is 25%.

1. 75%
2. 50%
3. 60%
4. 80%

Correct Option: 2

DDA JE Civil Paper 29 March 2023 Shift 3 Part 3

Q.66 Which of the following types of drinking water is obtained by the reclamation process?

1. Groundwater
2. surface water
3. Desalinated water
4. Infiltrated water

Correct Option: 3

Q.67 Which of the following admixtures is NOT matched with respective chemicals?

1. 3
2. 4
3. 1
4. 2
1. Plasticizers: Acrylic polymer
2. Retarders Calcium sulphate
3. Accelerators: Silica Fume
4. Air entraining admixtures: Animal and vegetable fats and oils

Correct Option: 1

DDA JE Civil Paper 29 March 2023 Shift 3 Part 3

Q.68 The placing of mass concrete in lightly reinforced sections in beams, columns and slabs with a low degree of workability, the slump of such concrete as per IS 456-2000 is

1.75 to 100 mm
2. 10 to 25 mm
3. 100 to 150 mm
4. 25 to 75 mm

Correct Option: 4

Q.69 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT with respect to the workability of fresh concrete?

1. The higher the aggregate/cement ratio, the leaner is the concrete.
2. Flaky aggregate makes the concrete more workable than rounded aggregates.
3. The higher the water content per cubic meter of concrete, the higher will be the fluidity of concrete.
4. The fine, glassy pozzolanic materials offer better lubricating effects and give better workability.

Correct Option: 2

Q.70 What is the effective length of a prismatic compression steel member of unsupported length L restrained against rotation
and translation at one end and free against translation but restrained for rotation at the other end?

1. 1.2 L
2. 1.5 L
3. 2.0 L
4. 0.65 L

Correct Option: 1

Q.71 Select the INCORRECT characteristic of contour lines from the following.

1. A contour passes through any point perpendicular to the line of the steepest slope at that point.
2. Contour lines of different elevations can unite to form one line in a vertical cliff.
3. Contour lines are parallel to the watershed line.
4. Two contour lines of different elevations cannot cross each other except in the case of an overhanging cliff or a cave.

Correct Option: 3

DDA JE Civil Paper 29 March 2023 Shift 3 Part 3

Q.72 According to IS456-2000, the slenderness limits for RCC columns having an unsupported length between end restraints shall NOT exceed _times the least lateral dimension of a column.

1. 50
2. 40
3. 30
4. 60

Correct Option: 4

Q.73 An alloy having values of modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio of 150 GPa and 0.25, respectively. Find the value of the bulk modulus of the alloy.

1. 125 GPa
2. 100 GPa
3. 220 GPa
4. 150 GPa

Correct Option: 2

Q.74 Which of the following is NOT a use of a contour map?

1. Measurement of height of an object
2. Calculation of reservoir capacity
3. Tracing location of route
4. Measurement of the drainage area

Correct Option: 1

DDA JE Civil Paper 29 March 2023 Shift 3 Part 3

Q.76 Which of the following conditions is to be satisfied by a transition curve?

1. The radius of the transition curve at its junction with the straight is infinity.
2. Its curvature at its junction with the circular curve should be zero.
3. At the junction of transition and circular curves, the angle between their respective tangents should be 90°.
4. At the junction of transition and circular curves, the angle between their respective tangents should be zero.

Correct Option: 4

DDA JE Civil Paper 29 March 2023 Shift 3 Part 3

Q77. Which of the following statements is/are correct/incorrect?
Statement A: Brittle material is strong in compression but weak in tension.
Statement B: Ductile material is approximately equally strong tension and shear, but weak in compression.

1. Both Statements A and B are correct
2. Only Statement B is correct
3. Both Statements A and B are incorrect
4. Only Statement A is correct

Correct Option: 4

Q.78 Water is used as thinner in which type of paint?

1. Plastic paint
2. Asbestos paint
3. Bituminous paint
4. Cellulose paint

Correct Option: 1

DDA JE Civil Paper 29 March 2023 Shift 3 Part 3

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